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Prof.Dr.Ir.Herry Sonjaya, DEA
 Kenapa harus clone? Alasannya adalah untuk menghasilkan menghasilkan organism dengan kualitas yang diinginkan, hewan rekayasa genetik, Replacing lost or deceased family pets, repopulasi terancam punah atau bahkan spesies punah.
Ø  Interaksi gen eksogenous terjadi tidak secara acak.
Ø   Dapat dikerjakan untuk semua jenis ternak yang  menggunakan sperm sebagai alat untuk    bereproduksi.

Ø   Sangat sederhana.

Reproductive human cloning will help:
• Infertile couples: we have received many requests from  infertile couples who cannot have children even after years of infertility treatments. For those people cloning is the only way to have a child of their own genetic offspring.
• Homosexuals: they cannot have a child today that is 100% related to them genetically but human cloning will provide this possibility for them.
• Families who lost a beloved relative: human cloning can give life a second time to the same genetic code who has died at an early age for example.

Diagram of the nuclear transfer procedure that produced the first cloned mammals
From : How Cloning Works by Craig C. Freudenrich, Ph.D.

Photo courtesy Roslin Institute. Dolly (left)
In 1997, cloning was revolutionized when Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly. Dolly was the first cloned mammal.

Photo courtesy Advanced Cell Technology, Inc.
On January 8, 2001, scientists at Advanced Cell Technology, Inc., announced the birth of the first clone of an endangered animal, a baby bull gaur (a large wild ox from India and southeast Asia) named Noah.

Autologous Regenerative Medicine

Therapeutic cloning can be used to fight deseases and create organs artificially. Once specialized cells can be derived from cloned embryos the following diseases threatening millions of people on earth can be treated:
• Brain disorders like Parkinson and Alzheimer thanks to derived brain cells
• Diabetes thanks to derived insulin-producing pancreatic islet cells
• Spinal cord damage thanks to derived nerve cells
• Autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis thanks to derived cells of blood and bone marrow
• Cancer

How Human Cloning
Will Work
 by Kevin Bonsor
The world's first human clone baby is born
on 26 December 2002
We are very happy to confirm the successful birth of the 3rd cloned baby! After two girls ( Eve and the cloned baby girl from the Dutch lesbian couple) , the first cloned baby boy is now born. The boy is the son of a Japanese family who was lost in an accident. The newborn baby is an identical twin of their deceased child. The parents are very happy and excited for finally "having their child back" after their painful loss some time ago.

ACT (advance cell technology) is performing research on three means to manufacture embryonic cells identical to a human adult, this is to say, autologous embryonic cells.
ACT (teknologi sel muka) yang melakukan penelitian pada tiga cara untuk memproduksi sel-sel embrio identik dengan manusia dewasa, ini adalah untuk mengatakan, sel-sel embrio autologous.
• Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer:  In this technique, commonly designated “Human Therapeutic Cloning” a patient’s body cell is combined with an egg cell that has its DNA removed.  As a result the body cell’s DNA is reprogrammed back to an embryonic state, and totipotent stem cells are produced identical to the patient.
* Sel somatik Nuklir transfer: Dalam teknik ini, umumnya ditunjuk "Manusia Terapi Kloning" sel tubuh pasien dikombinasikan dengan sel telur yang memiliki DNA-nya dihapus. Akibatnya DNA sel tubuh yang memprogram kembali ke keadaan embrio, dan sel-sel induk totipoten diproduksi identik dengan pasien.
 •  Parthenogenesis:  In this technique a woman’s oocyte is directly activated without the removal of its DNA to begin development on its own, forming a preimplantation embryo from which totipotent stem cells are isolated.
* • Partenogenesis: Dalam teknik ini oosit wanita langsung diaktifkan tanpa penghapusan DNA untuk memulai pembangunan sendiri, membentuk embrio praimplantasi dari mana sel-sel induk totipoten terisolasi.
   Ooplasmic Transfer:  In the reverse of nuclear transfer, ooplasmic transfer involves the removal of the cytoplasm of an oocyte and transferring it into the body cell of a patient thereby transforming the patient’s cell into a primitive stem cell.
* Transfer Ooplasmic: Dalam kebalikan dari transfer inti, transfer ooplasmic melibatkan penghapusan sitoplasma oosit dan memindahkannya ke dalam sel tubuh pasien sehingga mengubah sel pasien menjadi sel induk primitif.

THE embrio Biopsi PROSEDUR Aview UNDER THE mikromanipulator

Fig 3. The FISH probes are available as a "ready-to-use" kit from Vysis, USA.
Gambar 3. probe FISH tersedia sebagai "siap pakai" kit dari Vysis, USA. 

Fig 1. Direct (uncultured) amniocyte hybridized with the AneuVysion 18/X/Y probe. Three aqua ( blue dots) signals indicate three copies of chromosome 18, one green signal (green dot) indicates one copy of chromosome X and one orange signal (orange dot) indicates one copy of chromosome Y. This is an abnormal male embryo and would not be replaced.

Gambar 1. Langsung (berbudaya) amniocyte hibridisasi dengan AneuVysion 18 / X / Y penyelidikan. Tiga aqua sinyal (titik biru) menunjukkan tiga salinan kromosom 18, satu sinyal hijau (green dot) menunjukkan satu salinan kromosom X dan satu sinyal orange (dot orange) menunjukkan satu salinan kromosom Y. Ini merupakan embrio laki-laki normal dan akan tidak diganti.

Fig 2. CEP X SpectrumOrange/CEP Y (Satellite III) SpectrumGreen hybridized to lymphocytes. These are from a male ( XY) , as each has a orange signal ( orange dot) representing a single X chromosome , and a green signal, representing a single Y chromosome.

Gambar 2. CEP X SpectrumOrange / CEP Y (Satellite III) SpectrumGreen hibridisasi ke limfosit. Ini adalah dari laki-laki (XY), karena masing-masing memiliki sinyal orange (orange dot) mewakili kromosom X, dan sinyal hijau, mewakili kromosom Y tunggal.


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